Pacifier hanging on a nuggi tree.

Nuggi tree

Weaning off the pacifier

Imaginative support to wean off the Nuggi

Discover the new attraction on the Gurten: The Nuggi tree! Here parents can support their children to say goodbye to the pacifier. The Nuggi tree is a creative way to make saying goodbye to the pacifier a special experience. Simply hang the faithful plastic companion on one of the colored ribbons and the weaning process can begin.

The Nuggi treeon the Gurten is not only an innovative way to support pacifier weaning, but also a great experience for the whole family. With so many great ways to play in the playground, the pacifier is quickly forgotten. Would you like to learn more about our Nuggi tree? Visit us and experience for yourself how easy it can be to say goodbye to the pacifier.

Der Nuggiboum

Werum der Nuggiboum hie steit?
Wo dass der Nuggi häregeit?
Das isch e ziemlech längi Gschicht.
Si wird verzellt i däm Gedicht:
Der Maa im Mond luegt zu de Ching.
Er luegt zu allne, guet u gschwing.
We’s nötig isch, isch är parat:
git Nuggis vo sym Notvorrat.
Für chlyni Ching isch das perfekt,
we so nes Ding im Müüli steckt.
Der Maa im Mond isch aber froh,
der Nuggi ume z übercho.
‘s git nöji Bébé u für die
längt süsch der Nuggivorrat nie.
Bisch du scho gross? Chönnts ohni ga? 
De hänk ne uuf, u lah ne da.
Der Maa im Mond holt d Nuggis hie
wes Vollmond isch (me gseht ne nie!).
Die Nuggis macht er wider nöi,
für d Bébé, wo nid schlafe chöi. 
Die grosse Ching, die wüsse ja,
me cha der Nuggi o la gah,
me bruucht dä Stöpsel nid im Muul,
‘s isch ohni Nuggi o ganz cool.
Der Gurte isch zum Glück rächt hööch.
Drum isch der Mond hie bsunders nööch.
Dä Ort passt also super guet
für Nuggis abzgä. Hesch der Muet?
Der Maa im Mond, dä fröit sech druuf:
Säg tschüss zum Nuggi, hänk ne uuf!
Von Lorenz Pauli
The nuggi tree is accessible at all times.
The Nuggi tree is located between the mini railway entrance and the Bahhöfli take-away stand.

Other activities in the fun park

Getting here

The easiest way to find us. There are parking spaces right next to the Gurtenbahn funicular valley station.


A diagram with an overview of how best to get to the Gurten. By public transportation or car, the Gurten is ideally located.