A person hangs the pacifiers on a branch.
A poster with the verse of the nuggi tree.
The newly inaugurated tree with colored cotton ribbons in the middle of the park.

To the tree with bad habits!

The nuggi tree

A help guide for desperate parents and a beautiful story by Lorenz Pauli

The Nuggi Tree. A tree to "unsnuggle". For parents a helpful way to banish the children's nuggi, for rational childless people a fun idea to hang bad habits on the tree. Whether it's vices or nuggis, this post inspires fantasies.
Markom manager Tatjana Schär at the east signal


Tatjana Schär

Deputy Head of Marketing
What the hell is a nuggi tree?
When I was told about the new attraction on the Gurten, my eyebrows shifted towards the sky. The emoij with the raised eyebrows, looking up with thumb and index finger on the chin would perfectly reflect my facial expression (🤔)What the hell is a nuggi tree and who needs such a thing? After my supervisor's detailed explanation, I could visually picture this infamous tree full of pacifiers, but the question remained: who needs a tree to break a habit? Even though Netflix would argue against it, I maintain that I have neither an addictive behavior nor any other dependency. But what does addiction have to do with a nuggi tree now?
It's a nuggi tree or pacifier tree:
A pacifier tree is used to make it easier to wean a toddler off a pacifier. [...] The idea is that the child combines the otherwise rather problematic separation from the pacifier with a positive experience, since it can visit the pacifier tree at any time and in this way also be introduced to nature. It sees that other children have also given up their pacifier.
(Source: Wikipedia )
Parting and its pitfalls
Frankly admitted, I was critical. As an independent person, without children in the immediate environment, such a big fuss about a Nuggi is irrational. Why does a child need a ritual for "de-soothering"? Why is it so difficult to say goodbye to plastic?
The innate sucking reflex is responsible for this. This is strongly developed in the first months of life. Sucking, swallowing and breathing: these reflexes ensure survival. Over time, this need regresses as we adjust our food intake and what remains is simply a (bad) habit, the "nuggelä".
And as we adults know the power of habits: We (almost) can't break them. The difficult parting does not necessarily concern the object, rather it is the habitual pitfalls. Unlike the Nuggi tree, I, as a rational adult with vices, am of course fully sympathetic to bad habits. Imagine the forest if we could just hang our adult vices from a tree: Spruce full of dirty cups, Shrub of broken promises, Fir of "finger neguchnübles", Bush of cigarettes and alcohol, Ostrich of bad posture, Birch of being late, Oak of unanswered messages, etc.

The Nuggi Tree

by Lorenz Pauli

Der Maa im Mond luegt zu de Ching.
Er luegt zu allne, guet u gschwing.
We’s nötig isch, isch är parat:
git Nuggis vo sym Notvorrat.
Für chlyni Ching isch das perfekt,
we so nes Ding im Müüli steckt.
Der Maa im Mond isch aber froh,          
der Nuggi ume z übercho.
‘s git nöji Bébé u für die
längt süsch der Nuggivorrat nie.
Bisch du scho gross? Chönnts ohni ga?
De hänk ne uuf, u lah ne da.
Der Maa im Mond holt d Nuggis hie
wes Vollmond isch (me gseht ne nie!).
Die Nuggis macht er wider nöi,
für d Bébé, wo nid schlafe chöi.
Die grosse Ching, die wüsse ja,
me cha der Nuggi o la gah,
me bruucht dä Stöpsel nid im Muul,
‘s isch ohni Nuggi o ganz cool.
Der Gurte isch zum Glück rächt hööch.
Drum isch der Mond hie bsunders nööch.
Dä Ort passt also super guet
für Nuggis abzgä. Hesch der Muet?
Der Maa im Mond, dä fröit sech druuf:
Säg tschüss zum Nuggi, hänk ne uuf!
A poster with the verse of the nuggi tree.
Why wean off the nuggi in the first place?
Bad habits influence our everyday life and usually have a negative impact on our health. This is also the case with this silicone teat: the pacifier, as well as the "Dümele", leads to malocclusions of the teeth. This results in the so-called open-sucking bite and malocclusions of the permanent teeth. Therefore, the faithful companion Nuggi should be gone at the latest until the third year of life.
Ideas for soother «removal»
During the research and discussions with parents, heartwarming ideas have come together to help give up the nuggi:
Baby bunnies: to help baby bunnies sleep, you need a nukkel. The (Easter) bunny relies on the human children to hand in the nuggis. In exchange for an Easter nuggi, the bunny will take the nukkles for his little bunnies.
Samichlous: The version with Santa Claus is also suitable for bartering. In return for the Nuggiabgabe there is a boot filled with sweets.
Nuggifee: At night, the Nuggifee comes to collect the Nuggi and pass it on to another, smaller child who doesn't have one. In return, the fairy puts a surprise on the night table.
Nuggi bed: The Nuggi is tired from the long use and needs a place to retreat. A self-made bed with a blanket and pillow for the silicone lollipop can keep the nuggi away from the mouth.
Give it away: If there is a newborn in the circle of acquaintances, the child can pass the pacifier on to the baby who needs it more urgently. This (symbolic) passing on helps with saying goodbye, as the beloved nuggi is now in good hands.
Shipping: The nuggi is sent in a parcel to a "secret address" or to the address of the grandparents or the godparent. A replacement such as a Nuscheli is then returned anonymously.
Nuggi tree: The Nuggi is hung on a designated tree. During this process, a story is told to the child.
An associate with your child with pacifier in mouth

Lou's Nuggi Weaning Story

Nathalie and Lou

Deputy Head of Event Management

"When the time was right, the Nuggis were put in a crib during the day and only taken out for "Pöiselä". The Nuggifee was ready to take the Nuggis with her when the little one was ready. One morning she announced: "So, the Nuggifee can come. I don't need them anymore. So they "disappeared" and after a week the Nuggifee brought a great present. Since then, the Nuggi is no longer an issue."
The Nuggi tree on the Gurten
On the Gurten, the highest Nuggibaum in Bern was inaugurated on March 26. The location is no coincidence: because the man in the moon, who has to fetch his nuggis back from earth, is already old and has wished not to have to go all the way to the city. The Bernese story writer Lorenz Pauli has written a wonderful story about this, which can be told to the children during the "de-nulling ceremony".
The Nuggibaum at the inauguration by the Migros Aare cultural percentage.
The Nuggi tree was ceremonially inaugurated on March 26, 2023 during the Spring Festival.

The history of the Gurten

The Nuggibaum was financed by the Migros Aare cultural percentage. Learn more about the commitment of the culture percent

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